• Afghan Paramount Welfare & Development Organization (APWDO)


The 2017 Afghanistan Living Conditions Survey suggests that overall food insecurity, including both moderate and severe forms, rose from 33 to more than 44 percent in the last three years. Although food insecurity affects much of the country’s population, women, children, displaced persons, returnees, woman-headed households, persons with disabilities and poor people are the groups most at risk.

Crises interrupt and sometimes reverse the development process. The protracted conflict in Afghanistan destroyed livelihoods and local economies. Similarly, climate change induced disasters also accelerated the impact and enhanced the vulnerability of communities to economic crises and food security.

APWDO understands the local trends of livelihood improvements and designing communities based programs to help in building human, natural, physical, financial, political and social assets of affected communities.

APWDO has successfully implemented numerous high impact projects on this theme, which contributed to creating more employment opportunities, including Vocational Trainings to equip the youth and women, in particular, with the necessary skills to enable them support themselves and their families in a sustainable fashion, besides imparting Career and Technical Education as well as job-specific trainings to work in the trades.

Following are some of the projects/programs implemented by APWDO in this area during the course of the last few years:


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