• Afghan Paramount Welfare & Development Organization (APWDO)

Democracy & Rule of Law

Afghanistan SDG 16 (Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions) emphasizes the importance of strengthening institutions by involving people in activities, which will culminate in fostering Democratic norms and establishment of Rule of Law.

This has been duly enshrined and corroborated in the relevant National Priority Programs of Afghanistan, including the Citizens’ Charter NPP, which emphasizes the promotion of partnership between the government and the citizenry in order to strengthen the institutions as well as for capacity building purposes of both – the institutions as well as the communities. This will result in social-justice which will eventually translate into Peace in the country.

APWDO is committed to the cause of promoting Democracy and Rule of Law and considers them a pre-requisite for a stable, prosperous, just, developed and progressive Afghanistan, where the state and people feel accountable to each other.Since its establishment, APWDO has completed projects of various sizes and scopes in these areas, which comprise of both independent initiatives as well as donor funded initiatives. These include but are not limited to the following projects:


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